The Hidden Cost of Hiring

In recent years, many companies have found themselves falling farther behind schedule and under intense pressure from their customers to meet delivery dates. This can’t be more true for DoD Manufacturers and their suppliers who are hit with National Security concerns on the line. There are two viable paths to success: Hire more people or […]

POAM Vs. Task List: Knowing the Difference Makes a Difference

Though closely related, building a house and maintaining a household are two very different activities.  When building a house, there are many one-time-tasks that are completed with each one adding to another to make the project greater until completion.  These tasks include sequential activities such as clearing the land, pouring the foundation, putting up walls, […]

Why Job Searching is Frustrating

Job seekers and Employers are equally frustrated! We hear it every day: “We can’t find good employees” and “I can’t get a good job”.  Apparently, there is an undeniable gap between what employers are looking for and what they really need. The most common misconception is that employers need to fill a vacancy with someone […]

Are You a Manager or a Leader?

What makes a manager versus a leader? This question has been debated in college classrooms, business conference rooms, and on golf course greens for many years. I find myself engaged in this conversation far too often, though in my experience, there is a clear explanation differentiating between the two roles.   The most important difference between […]

Are You a Socially Engaged CEO?

An important part of my job is to explore social media websites and decipher how they are benefitting businesses.  Among various platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, I find LinkedIn to be the most practical in the professional world because of its modern ways of connecting professionals and its ability to maximize one’s ROI.  […]

Cost of Rework

Many companies have experienced some kind of “rework,” but what exactly does this refer to? REWORK = FREE WORK Rework is when you pay twice or more to get the same output. If a widget costs $.25 to make and you had to do it twice to get it right, then your cost just went […]

Always Be Prepared To Engage

Always Be Prepared To Engage… After participating in a 3-week long study on something, I was asked to be a part of a client presentation focusing on a project we are going to work on.  Being newly acquainted with the organization, my Operations Manager thought that it would be beneficial for me to become accustomed […]

Are you “Patch & Go” or “Stop & Fix” Organization?

I ask many of my clients to identify their company as being a “Patch and Go” or “Stop and Fix” organization and the answers always surprise me.  Although it was originally used to describe the practice in maintenance departments it certainly applies to many business areas.  Patch & Go: In order to keep going and meet […]

What Do Clients Want from Consultants?

If you’ve ever attended board meetings, you’ll quickly realize that everyone tends to have an opinion on how tasks should be carried out, what the next corporate initiative should be, or on corporate objectives in general.  The list of topics could go on, proving that leadership and management teams are never short on ideas, recommendations, […]

How To Minimize Hiring Impact On Cost

You suddenly have a surge in sales or realize that schedule is slipping, so you decide to increase headcount to catch up. Is this the best way to alleviate this problem and if so, how do you minimize impact on cost and schedule?  Many studies have shown the negative impact of new hires on productivity, […]